Wordscapes Level 967 Answers [Calm 7, Lake]

Are you stuck on level 967 and don’t know how to move forward?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the perfect solution for Wordscapes level 967 in our cheat guide!

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you complete Wordscapes Level 967 and earn all three stars.

Let’s quickly preview the answers for Wordscapes level 967:

To complete Wordscapes level 967 [Calm 7, Lake], players must use the letters E, V, A, Y, L to make the words: LEVY, VALE, ALLEY, YELL, VEAL, VALLEY, ALLY.

Wordscapes Level 967 Answers [Calm 7, Lake]

Regardless of whether you’re an experienced Wordscapes player or just starting out, this guide will provide you with everything you need to be successful.

From the fundamentals of the game to advanced tactics and techniques, we will cover everything you need to know to solve Wordscapes level 967 and continue to face bigger challenges.

Let’s take the first step!

Wordscapes Level 967 [Calm 7, Lake]

Wordscapes level 967 presents a formidable challenge that will put players’ vocabulary and problem-solving abilities to the test.

The objective of this level is to use the letters E, V, A, Y, L on the board to make as many words as you can.

To achieve a perfect score on this level, players must create as many words as possible.

This goal may be difficult, but with the right approach and a bit of luck, it’s attainable.

Wordscapes Level 967 Answers

To pass Wordscapes level 967, players can use this order to finish the objective words:


Apart from that, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the target words:


Words Definition

Previously, the objective words for level 967 were discussed, along with the bonus words that can be formed from the tray letters.

Next, let’s uncover the meanings of each of these words:

  • LEVY: [noun]an amount of money, such as a tax, that you have to pay to a government or organization.
  • VALE: [noun]used in the name of some valleys.
  • ALLEY: [noun]a narrow road or path between buildings.
  • YELL: [verb]to shout something or make a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain, or excited.
  • VEAL: [noun]meat from a very young cow.
  • VALLEY: [noun]an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it.
  • ALLY: [noun]a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one, especially during a war.
  • AVE: [noun]written abbreviation for avenue.
  • VAE:
  • VELA:
  • LAVE:
  • AYE: [adverb]another word for “yes”.
  • LYE: [noun]a very alkaline substance, usually either sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, that is used to make soap and cleaning products, and also to preserve some types of food.
  • LEAL:
  • LAV: [noun]a lavatory mainly UK formal (= toilet).
  • LEV:
  • VLY:
  • YAE:
  • LEVA:
  • LEAVY:
  • YEA: [adverb]another word for “yes”.
  • ALE: [noun]any of various types of beer, usually one that is dark and bitter.
  • AVEL:
  • LAY: [verb]to put something in especially a flat or horizontal position, usually carefully or for a particular purpose.
  • ALL: [determiner]every one (of), or the complete amount or number (of), or the whole (of).
  • YALE: [noun]a brand name for a type of lock, especially for doors, that is cylinder-shaped and is operated by a flat key.
  • VELL:
  • LEY: [noun]an imaginary line between some important places such as hills, believed to be where there were very old paths. Ley lines are sometimes thought to have special powers..
  • ELL:
  • LEA: [noun]abbreviation for Local Education Authority: in the UK, the part of a local government that controls schools and colleges in a particular area.
  • VEALY:

The definitions of these words are derived from the renowned Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

In Wordscapes, players must use their knowledge of words and word-forming skills to create as many words as possible from the letters given.

In each level, players are tasked with using their word-building skills to create valid words from a set of letters. The letters can be moved up, down, left, right, or diagonally to spell words.

Once a word is constructed, it will be erased from the board and the player will receive points based on the length of the word, with longer words earning more points.


In essence, Wordscapes level 967 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to finish.

With patience, attention to detail, and the help of dictionaries and word lists, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

By putting in the effort, remaining patient, and keeping a positive attitude, you can master this level.

By implementing the tips and strategies from this guide, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Transcend To The Next Level

Now that you’re equipped with a plan and some advice, give level 968 a go by yourself!

Fingers crossed!

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