Has anyone else been stuck on level 628 and can’t figure out how to get past it?
Don’t worry–we’ve got the perfect solution for Wordscapes level 628 in this cheat guide!
This guide will provide you with all the information and tips you need to conquer Wordscapes Level 628 and earn all three stars.
Let’s quickly preview the answers for Wordscapes level 628:
To complete Wordscapes level 628 [Cover 4, Autumn], players must use the letters I, L, B, G, E to make the words: GEL, LIE, LEGIBLE, GLEE, ILL, BIG, BEG, GEE, GILL, LIBEL, BILE, BILL, BEE, GLIB, BEIGE, LEG.
![Wordscapes Level 628 Answers [Cover 4, Autumn]](https://www.wordscapespro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/wordscapes_level_628_answer.jpeg)
This guide is designed to help both experienced Wordscapes players and newcomers, providing all the necessary information for success.
We will go over everything from the basics of the game to advanced strategies and techniques, giving you the ability to solve Wordscapes level 628 and move on to bigger challenges.
Let’s launch!
Wordscapes Level 628 [Cover 4, Autumn]
Wordscapes level 628 presents a formidable challenge that will test players’ vocabulary and ability to solve problems.
In this level, you must use the letters I, L, B, G, E on the board to construct as many words as possible.
You only pass the level if you spell all the words correctly.
It may be a difficult goal, but with the right strategy and a bit of luck, it can be accomplished.
Wordscapes Level 628 Answers
To pass Wordscapes level 628, players can use this order to finish the goal words:
Apart from that, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the target words:
Words Definition
Earlier, the goal words for level 628 were introduced, as well as the bonus words that can be formed from the tray letters.
Next, let’s take a look at their meanings:
- GEL: [noun]a thick, clear, liquid substance, especially one used on the hair or body.
- LIE: [verb]to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface.
- LEGIBLE: [adjective]Legible writing or print can be read easily.
- GLEE: [noun]happiness, excitement, or pleasure.
- ILL: [adjective]not feeling well, or suffering from a disease.
- BIG: [adjective]large in size or amount.
- BEG: [verb]to make a very strong and urgent request.
- GEE: [exclamation]an expression of surprise or enthusiasm.
- GILL: [noun]the organ through which fish and other water creatures breathe.
- LIBEL: [noun]a piece of writing that contains bad and false things about a person.
- BILE: [noun]the bitter, yellow liquid produced by the liver that helps to digest fat.
- BILL: [noun]a request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on which it is written.
- BEE: [noun]a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you.
- GLIB: [adjective]speaking or spoken in a confident way, but without careful thought or honesty.
- BEIGE: [noun]a pale brown colour.
- LEG: [noun]one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for standing or walking.
- LIB: [noun] liberation : used especially in informal names of organizations that try to remove the disadvantages experienced by particular groups within society.
- BELL: [noun]an electrical device that makes a ringing sound when you press a button.
- BILGE: [noun]nonsense.
- BELIE: [verb]to show something to be false, or to hide something such as an emotion.
- ELL:
- GIBE: [noun]another spelling of jibe.
- LIEGE: [noun]a lord or king.
- GIB: [noun]a unit of computer information, consisting of 1,024 megabytes.
- LIG:
- LEI: [noun]a circle of flowers that is worn around the neck in Polynesia.
- EEL: [noun]a long, thin, snake-like fish, some types of which are eaten.
- BEL:
- LEE: [noun]the side of hill, wall, etc. that provides shelter from the wind.
- BELLE: [noun]a beautiful and attractive woman or one who is beautifully dressed.
- GIE:
The definitions of these words are from the esteemed Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

What Is Wordscapes?
In Wordscapes, players must use their word-forming abilities to construct as many words as possible from the letters provided.
The game challenges players to use their word-building skills by arranging a set of letters into valid words. Players can slide the letters in any direction to create words.
After a word is created, it will disappear from the board and the player will be rewarded with points based on the length of the word, with longer words earning more points.
To sum up, Wordscapes level 628 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to beat.
With careful planning and the use of dictionaries and word lists, you can increase your chances of success and complete the level to earn all 3 stars.
By putting in the time, being patient, and maintaining a positive outlook, you can master this level.
Following the tips and strategies in this guide, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.
Climb To The Next Level
Try your hand at level 629 independently now that you have a step-by-step strategy and some helpful hints!
Fingers crossed!

I am a professional game testing engineer who loves crossword and charades puzzles. wordscapespro.com has recorded my experience playing the game, and you can find the answers, word definitions, and explanations for each level. I hope it is helpful to you and that you share it with people who need it.