Wordscapes Level 5582 Answers [ Still2 14, Tarn]

Are you stuck on level 5582 and need some advice on how to progress?

Don’t worry–welcome to the Wordscapes level 5582 cheat guide!

We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know in this guide.

Let’s briefly review the answers for Wordscapes level 5582:

To complete Wordscapes level 5582 [ Still2 14, Tarn], players must use the letters R, O, A, Y, H to make the words: OAR, RAY, AHOY, OOH, HAY, HOARY, YAHOO, HOORAY.

Wordscapes Level 5582 Answers [ Still2 14, Tarn]

No matter if you’re a seasoned Wordscapes pro or just starting out, this guide will give you all the tools you need to succeed.

From the basics of the game to advanced strategies and tips, this guide will give you the knowledge you need to solve Wordscapes level 5582 and tackle even tougher challenges.

Let’s jump in!

Wordscapes Level 5582 [ Still2 14, Tarn]

Wordscapes level 5582 is a difficult level that will require players to use their vocabulary and problem-solving abilities.

The goal of this level is to make as many words as you can using the letters R, O, A, Y, H on the board.

To earn all three stars, players must generate more words.

This goal may be difficult, but with the right approach and a bit of luck, it’s attainable.

Wordscapes Level 5582 Answers

In Wordscapes level 5582, players can complete the goal words in the following order to pass the level:


Apart from that, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the goal words:


Words Definition

Earlier, the objective words for level 5582 were discussed, along with the bonus words that can be created from the tray letters.

Continuing on, let’s examine the meanings of each:

  • OAR: [noun]a long pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for rowing a boat.
  • RAY: [noun]a narrow beam of light, heat, etc. travelling in a straight line from its place of origin.
  • AHOY: [exclamation]a shout used, especially by people in boats, to attract attention.
  • OOH: [exclamation]an expression of surprise, pleasure, approval, disapproval, or pain.
  • HAY: [noun]grass that is cut and dried and used as animal food.
  • HOARY: [adjective]very old and familiar and therefore not interesting or funny.
  • YAHOO: [noun]a rude, loud, unpleasant person, especially one who has little education.
  • HOORAY: [exclamation]→  hurray.
  • RHO: [noun]the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet.
  • HAO:
  • OOR:
  • ROO: [noun]informal for kangaroo.
  • HOA:
  • HOY:
  • RYA:
  • HOOR:
  • YAR:
  • OHO:
  • HORA:
  • HARO:
  • HOYA:
  • YAH: [adverb]→  yes.
  • RAH: [exclamation]an expression of support, used especially by cheerleaders (=a group of people who shout encouragement at a sports game).
  • ORA:
  • HOAR:
  • HOO: [exclamation]used to express excitement, worry, disappointment, etc. or to emphasize something.
  • OARY:
  • ARY:

These meanings are borrowed from the esteemed Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes is a popular word game that challenges players to create as many words as they can using the letters given to them.

Players are given a set of letters and must use their word-forming abilities to create valid words by sliding the letters around the game board in any direction.

When a word is completed, it will be removed from the board and the player will earn points according to the word’s length, with longer words worth more points.


In general, Wordscapes level 5582 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to pass.

By spending time to find common patterns and letter combinations, and using a dictionary or word list to help you, you can increase your chances of success and move on to the next level of the game.

By putting in the time, being patient, and maintaining a positive outlook, you can master this level.

With the guidance of this guide, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars by implementing the tips and strategies provided.

Climb To The Next Level

Armed with a step-by-step strategy and some valuable hints, take on level 5583 independently!

Knock ’em dead!

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