Wordscapes Level 5313 Answers [ Desert 1, Bare]

Are you having trouble getting past level 5313?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the perfect cheat for Wordscapes level 5313 in this guide!

This guide will help you conquer Wordscapes Level 5313 and earn all three stars, with comprehensive information and tips.

Let’s quickly preview the answers for Wordscapes level 5313:

To complete Wordscapes level 5313 [ Desert 1, Bare], players must use the letters N, Y, C, T, O to make the words: CON, YON, TOY, NOT, COO, COT, TOO, TYCOON, COOT, ONTO, TON, COY, TOON.

Wordscapes Level 5313 Answers [ Desert 1, Bare]

This guide is for both experienced Wordscapes players and those just starting out, providing all the necessary information for success.

We will cover everything from the basics of the game to advanced strategies and techniques, so you will have the skills to solve Wordscapes level 5313 and take on even greater challenges.

Let’s get to work!

Wordscapes Level 5313 [ Desert 1, Bare]

Wordscapes level 5313 is a challenging level that will require players to draw on their vocabulary and problem-solving abilities.

The goal of this level is to make as many words as you can using the letters N, Y, C, T, O on the board.

In order to get all three stars on this level, players must make more words.

This may be a daunting task, but with the right strategy and a little bit of luck, it is certainly possible to achieve.

Wordscapes Level 5313 Answers

To beat Wordscapes level 5313, players can use this order to finish the target words:


Additionally, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the goal words:


Words Definition

As mentioned before, the goal words for level 5313 were introduced, along with the extra words that can be formed from the tray letters.

Next, let’s take a look at their meanings:

  • CON: [verb]to make someone believe something false, usually so that that person will give you their money or possessions.
  • YON: [determiner]in the place or direction shown; over there.
  • TOY: [noun]an object for children to play with.
  • NOT: [adverb]used to form a negative phrase after verbs like “be”, “can”, “have”, “will”, “must”, etc., usually used in the short form “n’t” in speech.
  • COO: [verb]When birds such as doves and pigeons coo, they make a low soft sound..
  • COT: [noun]a small bed for a baby or young child with high bars around the sides so that the child cannot fall out.
  • TOO: [adverb]more than is needed or wanted; more than is suitable or enough.
  • TYCOON: [noun]a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful.
  • COOT: [noun]a small, dark bird that lives near rivers and lakes.
  • ONTO: [preposition]used to show movement into or on a particular place.
  • TON: [noun]a unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms.
  • COY: [adjective]intentionally keeping something secret.
  • TOON:
  • OOT:
  • YONT:
  • TOYON:
  • CONTO:
  • TOCO:
  • CYTON: [noun]the central part of a neuron (= a cell that sends and receives messages within the brain and nerves).
  • OONT:
  • CONY: [noun]a rabbit, or the fur of a rabbit.
  • ONY:
  • COON: [noun]an extremely offensive word for a Black person.
  • TOYO:
  • NOO:
  • TONY: [adjective]stylish and expensive.
  • TOC: [noun]abbreviation for theory of constraints.
  • ONO: [noun]written abbreviation for or near(est) offer: used in advertisements for things that people are trying to sell to show that they will accept slightly less money than the price they are asking for.
  • NOY:
  • OON:

These meanings are from the trustworthy Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes is a fun and challenging game that tests players’ ability to form words using the letters provided.

The objective of the game is to use your vocabulary skills to spell words out of a set of letters by sliding them up, down, left, right, or diagonally.

Once a word is formed, it will be erased from the game board and the player will receive points based on the length of the word, with longer words earning more points.


In conclusion, Wordscapes level 5313 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to succeed.

By being thorough, utilizing your resources, and looking for common patterns, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Through consistent practice, patience, and a can-do attitude, you can master this level.

Following the tips and strategies in this guide, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Climb To The Next Level

With your new strategy and tips, give level 5314 a try on your own!

Wishing you luck!

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