Wordscapes Level 5242 Answers [ Solice 10, Wildwood]

Do you find yourself unable to progress past level 5242?

Don’t stress–we’ve got you covered with our Wordscapes level 5242 cheat guide!

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you complete Wordscapes Level 5242 and earn all three stars.

Let’s quickly preview the answers for Wordscapes level 5242:

To complete Wordscapes level 5242 [ Solice 10, Wildwood], players must use the letters D, E, R, O to make the words: ORE, ERRED, DOER, REORDER, ERODE, RODE, ROD, ERROR, ERR, REDO, ORDER.

Wordscapes Level 5242 Answers [ Solice 10, Wildwood]

Whether you have extensive experience with Wordscapes or are just starting out, this guide will give you everything you need to succeed.

From the basics to advanced strategies and tips, we will provide you with all the knowledge you need to solve Wordscapes level 5242 and tackle even tougher challenges.

Let’s tackle this!

Wordscapes Level 5242 [ Solice 10, Wildwood]

Wordscapes level 5242 is a challenging level that will put players’ vocabulary and problem-solving skills to the test.

The goal of this level is for players to use the letters D, E, R, O on the board to create as many words as possible.

To achieve a perfect score on this level, players must create as many words as possible.

It’s not going to be easy, but with the right plan and a bit of luck, this goal can be attained.

Wordscapes Level 5242 Answers

To beat Wordscapes level 5242, players can follow this sequence to complete the target words:


In addition, the following words can also be formed from the provided letters, but are not part of the goal words:


Words Definition

As described earlier, the goal words for level 5242 were introduced, along with the extra words that can be created from the tray letters.

Continuing on, let’s examine the meanings of each:

  • ORE: [noun]rock or soil from which metal can be obtained.
  • ERRED: [verb]to make a mistake or to do something wrong.
  • DOER: [noun]someone who gets actively involved in something, rather than just thinking or talking about it.
  • REORDER: [verb]to ask someone to make, supply, or deliver the same goods again.
  • ERODE: [verb]to rub or be rubbed away gradually.
  • RODE: past simple of ride.
  • ROD: [noun]a long, thin pole made of wood or metal.
  • ERROR: [noun]a mistake.
  • ERR: [verb]to make a mistake or to do something wrong.
  • REDO: [verb]to do something again.
  • ORDER: [noun]a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods.
  • DORR:
  • ORD: [noun]short form of coordinate : one of a pair of numbers and/or letters that show the exact position of a point on a map, graph, or image.
  • RED: [adjective]of the colour of fresh blood.
  • DREE:
  • DOR:
  • DERE:
  • ROE: [noun]fish eggs, eaten as food.
  • REO: [noun]the language of the original people of New Zealand and the Cook Islands.
  • REED: [noun](the hollow stem of) any of various types of tall, stiff plants like grasses growing together in groups near water.
  • DEE:
  • REE:
  • RORE:
  • ODE: [noun]a poem expressing the writer’s thoughts and feelings about a particular person or subject, usually written to that person or subject.
  • ROED:
  • DERRO:
  • DORE:
  • ERED:
  • DEER: [noun]a quite large animal with four legs that eats grass and leaves. The male has antlers (= wide horns like branches) . The female is called a hind or a doe and the male a stag or buck.
  • REDE:
  • DRERE:
  • DOREE:
  • ERE: [preposition]before.
  • DOE: [noun]the female of animals such as the deer or rabbit.
  • DERO:

These meanings are borrowed from the esteemed Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes is a popular game that challenges players to use the letters provided to make as many words as they can.

The game challenges players to use their spatial awareness and language skills to spell words by moving a set of letters in any direction on the game board.

When a word is made, it will vanish from the game board and the player will score points based on the word’s length, with longer words yielding more points.


In general, Wordscapes level 5242 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to pass.

With careful planning and the use of dictionaries and word lists, you can increase your chances of success and complete the level to earn all 3 stars.

Through dedication, patience, and a positive attitude, you can conquer this level.

By following the advice and strategies in this guide, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Elevate To The Next Level

With your new strategy and tips, give level 5243 a try on your own!

I’m rooting for you!

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