Wordscapes Level 4884 Answers [ Bulb 4, Flourish]

Do you need help getting past level 4884?

Don’t stress–we’ve got you covered with our Wordscapes level 4884 cheat guide!

This guide has it all – all the information and suggestions you need.

Let’s take a brief look at the answers for Wordscapes level 4884:

To complete Wordscapes level 4884 [ Bulb 4, Flourish], players must use the letters E, D, I, P, F, L to make the words: FIELD, DELI, PILE, FLED, PIPE, PIPED, PLED, FLIPPED, PLIED, FILE, FILED, FLIP, LIFE, IDLE, PILED, LIED.

Wordscapes Level 4884 Answers [ Bulb 4, Flourish]

Whether you’re a seasoned Wordscapes player or brand new to the game, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to succeed.

From the basics to advanced strategies and tips, we will provide you with all the knowledge you need to solve Wordscapes level 4884 and tackle even tougher challenges.

Let’s get moving!

Wordscapes Level 4884 [ Bulb 4, Flourish]

Wordscapes level 4884 is a tough level that will challenge players to use their knowledge of words and their problem-solving skills.

In this level, players must use the letters E, D, I, P, F, L provided on the board to make as many words as possible.

To unlock all three stars, players must form a greater number of words.

This may be a daunting task, but with the right strategy and a little bit of luck, it is certainly possible to achieve.

Wordscapes Level 4884 Answers

To pass Wordscapes level 4884, players can use this order to finish the goal words:


Furthermore, the following words can also be formed from the provided letters, but are not part of the target words:


Words Definition

Earlier, the goal words for level 4884 were introduced, as well as the bonus words that can be formed from the tray letters.

Next, let’s uncover the meanings of each of these words:

  • FIELD: [noun]an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals, usually surrounded by a fence.
  • DELI: [noun]informal for delicatessen.
  • PILE: [noun]objects positioned one on top of another.
  • FLED: past simple and past participle of flee.
  • PIPE: [noun]a tube inside which liquid or gas flows from one place to another.
  • PIPED: [noun]a tube inside which liquid or gas flows from one place to another.
  • PLED: past simple and past participle of plead.
  • FLIPPED: past simple and past participle of flip.
  • PLIED: [verb]to sell or to work regularly at something, especially at a job that involves selling things.
  • FILE: [noun]any of several different types of container used to store papers, letters, and other documents in an ordered way, especially in an office.
  • FILED: [noun]any of several different types of container used to store papers, letters, and other documents in an ordered way, especially in an office.
  • FLIP: [verb]If you flip something, you turn it over quickly one or more times, and if something flips, it turns over quickly.
  • LIFE: [noun]the period between birth and death, or the experience or state of being alive.
  • IDLE: [adjective]not working or being used.
  • PILED: [noun]objects positioned one on top of another.
  • LIED: [verb]to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface.
  • FED: [verb]past simple and past participle of feed.
  • PIED: [adjective](used especially in the names of birds) having fur or feathers of two or more colours, usually black and white.
  • LEPID:
  • FIPPLE: [noun]the part of some musical instruments, such as a recorder or pipe, that the player puts into his or her mouth and blows.
  • ELD:
  • PLIE:
  • LIEF: [adverb]If someone had/would as lief to do something, they would prefer to do something.
  • LED: [verb]past simple and past participle of lead.
  • DEIF:
  • PIP: [noun]one of the small seeds of a fruit such as an apple or an orange.
  • PED:
  • DEI: [noun]abbreviation for diversity, equity and inclusion: the idea that all people should have equal rights and treatment and be welcomed and included, so that they do not experience any disadvantage because of belonging to a particular group, and that each person should be given the same opportunities as others according to their needs.
  • DELF:
  • PEL:
  • IDE:
  • DEF: [adjective]very good.
  • LIP: [noun]one of the two soft parts that form the upper and lower edges of the mouth.
  • LIE: [verb]to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface.
  • FIL:
  • EILD:
  • LIPPED: [adjective]Someone who is tight-lipped is pressing their lips together to avoid showing anger, or is refusing to speak about something.
  • PIE: [noun]a type of food made with meat, vegetables, or fruit covered in pastry and baked.
  • DEL: [noun]abbreviation for delete: a key on a computer keyboard that you press to remove data.
  • DIF: [noun]a computer file that contains information from a file in one program and stores it in a way that makes it possible for it to be used by another program.
  • DEP: written abbreviation for depart formal or departure (used in timetables to show the time at which a bus, train, or aircraft leaves a place).
  • LEI: [noun]a circle of flowers that is worn around the neck in Polynesia.
  • FLIED: [verb]When a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through the air.
  • DIE: [verb]to stop being alive, either suddenly or slowly.
  • FELID:
  • LEP: [noun]abbreviation for Large Electron Positron Collider.
  • FIE: [exclamation]used to express anger, disapproval, or disappointment.
  • FID:
  • ELF: [noun]an imaginary being, often like a small person with pointed ears, in popular stories.
  • DIP: [verb]to put something into a liquid for a short time.
  • PEP: [noun]energy, or a willingness to be active.
  • DEFI:
  • LIPE:
  • LID: [noun]a cover on a container, that can be lifted up or removed.
  • DIEL:
  • PELF:
  • DEIL:

The definitions of these words are sourced from the reputable Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

In Wordscapes, players must use their word-forming abilities to construct as many words as possible from the letters provided.

The objective of the game is to use your vocabulary skills to spell words out of a set of letters by sliding them up, down, left, right, or diagonally.

When a word is completed, it will be removed from the board and the player will earn points according to the word’s length, with longer words worth more points.


To paraphrase, Wordscapes level 4884 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to solve.

By spending time to find common patterns and letter combinations, and using a dictionary or word list to help you, you can increase your chances of success and move on to the next level of the game.

Through consistent effort, patience, and a positive attitude, you can master this level.

By following the advice and strategies in this guide, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Upgrade To The Next Level

With your new knowledge of a step-by-step strategy and some valuable advice, tackle level 4885 on your own!

Fingers crossed!

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