Wordscapes Level 3799 Answers [Chisel 7, Stone]

Is anyone else having trouble getting past level 3799?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the perfect solution for Wordscapes level 3799 in this cheat guide!

Everything you need is right here in this comprehensive guide.

Let’s give the answers for Wordscapes level 3799 a quick look:

To complete Wordscapes level 3799 [Chisel 7, Stone], players must use the letters D, P, E, R to make the words: DEEPER, PEER, REP, REED, RED, DEER, PER, PEERED, DEEP.

Wordscapes Level 3799 Answers [Chisel 7, Stone]

This guide is for both experienced Wordscapes players and those just starting out, providing all the necessary information for success.

From the basics of the game to advanced tactics and techniques, this guide will provide you with everything you need to solve Wordscapes level 3799 and continue to face bigger challenges.

Let’s roll up our sleeves!

Wordscapes Level 3799 [Chisel 7, Stone]

Wordscapes level 3799 is a challenging level that will put players’ vocabulary and problem-solving skills to the test.

In this level, players must use the letters D, P, E, R on the board to spell out as many words as they can.

If you want to pass, you have to spell all the words correctly.

It may be difficult, but with the right approach and some luck, this goal is achievable.

Wordscapes Level 3799 Answers

In Wordscapes level 3799, players can follow this sequence to complete the target words and pass the level:


Besides that, the following words can also be formed from the provided letters, but are not part of the objective words:


Words Definition

Earlier, the objective words for level 3799 were discussed, along with the bonus words that can be created from the tray letters.

Moving forward, let’s investigate the definitions of each:

  • DEEPER: [adjective]going or being a long way down from the top or surface, or being of a particular distance from the top to the bottom.
  • PEER: [verb]to look carefully or with difficulty.
  • REP: [noun]a sales rep.
  • REED: [noun](the hollow stem of) any of various types of tall, stiff plants like grasses growing together in groups near water.
  • RED: [adjective]of the colour of fresh blood.
  • DEER: [noun]a quite large animal with four legs that eats grass and leaves. The male has antlers (= wide horns like branches) . The female is called a hind or a doe and the male a stag or buck.
  • PER: [preposition]used when expressing rates, prices, or measurements to mean “for each”.
  • PEERED: [verb]to look carefully or with difficulty.
  • DEEP: [adjective]going or being a long way down from the top or surface, or being of a particular distance from the top to the bottom.
  • PEE: [verb]informal for urinate.
  • REDE:
  • PREED:
  • PED:
  • ERE: [preposition]before.
  • ERED:
  • PERE:
  • DEE:
  • DREE:
  • PREE:
  • DEP: written abbreviation for depart formal or departure (used in timetables to show the time at which a bus, train, or aircraft leaves a place).
  • DERE:
  • PRE: [prefix]before (a time or an event).
  • PEED: [verb]informal for urinate.
  • EPEE: [noun]a thin sword used in the sport of fencing that is heavier than a foil and has a larger, rounded part for protecting the hand of the user.
  • REE:

These meanings come from the authoritative dictionary Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

In Wordscapes, players must use their word-forming abilities to construct as many words as possible from the letters provided.

In each level, players are tasked with using their word-building skills to create valid words from a set of letters. The letters can be moved up, down, left, right, or diagonally to spell words.

When a word is completed, it will be removed from the board and the player will earn points according to the word’s length, with longer words worth more points.


In conclusion, Wordscapes level 3799 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to succeed.

If you take your time and look for common patterns, you can use resources like dictionaries and word lists to complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Through consistent effort, patience, and a positive attitude, you can master this level.

By following the tips and strategies in this guide, you will successfully complete this level and earn all 3 stars.

Transcend To The Next Level

Try your hand at level 3800 on your own now that you have a strategy and some useful hints!

Knock ’em dead!

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