Wordscapes Level 3793 Answers [Chisel 1, Stone]

Has anyone else been unable to beat level 3793?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the perfect solution for Wordscapes level 3793 in our cheat guide!

Our guide to Wordscapes Level 3793 includes everything you need to know to earn all three stars, including comprehensive information and tips.

Let’s quickly examine the answers for Wordscapes level 3793:

To complete Wordscapes level 3793 [Chisel 1, Stone], players must use the letters T, G, D, B, U, E to make the words: DEBUT, DUET, BUDGET, TUBED, BUDGE, TUBE, DEBT.

Wordscapes Level 3793 Answers [Chisel 1, Stone]

For experienced Wordscapes players and beginners alike, this guide will give you everything you need to succeed.

From the fundamentals of the game to advanced tactics and techniques, we will cover everything you need to know to solve Wordscapes level 3793 and continue to face bigger challenges.

Let’s start!

Wordscapes Level 3793 [Chisel 1, Stone]

Wordscapes level 3793 is a tough level that will challenge players to use their knowledge of words and their problem-solving skills.

Your task in this level is to use the letters T, G, D, B, U, E on the board to make as many words as possible.

If you want to pass, you have to spell all the words correctly.

It’s going to be a tough challenge, but with the right plan and some luck, it can be done.

Wordscapes Level 3793 Answers

In Wordscapes level 3793, players can follow this sequence to complete the target words and pass the level:


Apart from that, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the goal words:


Words Definition

In the previous section, the target words for level 3793 were presented, along with the additional words that can be formed from the tray letters.

Now, let’s examine the meanings of each of these words:

  • DEBUT: [noun]the occasion when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time.
  • DUET: [noun]a song or other piece of music sung or played by two people.
  • BUDGET: [noun]a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend.
  • TUBED:
  • BUDGE: [verb]If something will not budge or you cannot budge it, it will not move.
  • TUBE: [noun]a long cylinder made from plastic, metal, rubber, or glass, especially used for moving or containing liquids or gases.
  • DEBT: [noun]something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something.
  • BUG: [noun]a very small insect.
  • DUG: [verb]past simple and past participle of dig.
  • GUDE:
  • DEGU:
  • BUTE: [noun]an area of western Scotland that was a county (= an area with its own local government) until 1975.
  • TUG: [verb]to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force.
  • TUB: [noun]a large, round container with a flat base and an open top.
  • DEBUG: [verb]to remove bugs (= mistakes) from a computer program.
  • DUB: [noun]bleeding from the vagina that is not regular or normal and is not due to infection, pregnancy, or a tumour.
  • BED: [noun]a large, rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, used for sleeping on.
  • BEDU:
  • GUB:
  • GUE:
  • BUD: [noun]a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf.
  • TEG:
  • UTE: [noun]a pick-up truck (= a small vehicle with an open part at the back in which goods can be carried).
  • DEB: [noun]informal for debutante.
  • BET: [verb]to risk money on the result of an event or a competition, such as a horse race, in the hope of winning more money.
  • GUT: [noun]the long tube in the body of a person or animal, through which food moves during the process of digesting food.
  • TED: [noun]a young man, especially in the 1950s in the UK, who typically dressed in narrow trousers, a long, loose jacket, and shoes with thick soles.
  • DEG: [noun](an) amount or level of something.
  • DUE: [adjective]expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time.
  • BEG: [verb]to make a very strong and urgent request.
  • GET: [verb]to obtain, buy, or earn something.
  • GED: [noun]abbreviation for General Equivalency Diploma: an official document in the US that is given to someone who did not complete high school (= school for students aged 15 to 18) but who has passed an exam that shows they have similar skills to someone who did.
  • TEGU:
  • BUT: [conjunction]used to introduce an added statement, usually something that is different from what you have said before.

These meanings are taken from the trusted Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes is a challenging word game that requires players to make as many words as possible using the given letters.

In each level, players are given a set of letters and must slide them in any direction (up, down, left, right, or diagonally) to spell valid words.

Once a word is formed, it will be erased from the game board and the player will receive points based on the length of the word, with longer words earning more points.


To paraphrase, Wordscapes level 3793 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to solve.

If you take your time and look for common patterns, you can use resources like dictionaries and word lists to complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Through consistent effort, patience, and a positive attitude, you can master this level.

With the help of this guide, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars by following the advice and strategies offered.

Climb To The Next Level

Try your hand at level 3794 on your own now that you have a strategy and some useful hints!

Best of luck!

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