Wordscapes Level 3509 Answers [Shine 5, Starlight]

Are you stuck on level 3509 and need some advice on how to progress?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the ultimate cheat for conquering Wordscapes level 3509!

This guide contains all the information and recommendations you need.

Let’s glance over the answers for Wordscapes level 3509:

To complete Wordscapes level 3509 [Shine 5, Starlight], players must use the letters I, A, O, L, E, G to make the words: GOAL, GOALIE, AGILE, GALE, ALOE, OGLE.

Wordscapes Level 3509 Answers [Shine 5, Starlight]

Whether you’re a seasoned Wordscapes player or brand new to the game, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to succeed.

From the basics of the game to advanced strategies and tips, this guide will give you the knowledge you need to solve Wordscapes level 3509 and tackle even tougher challenges.

Let’s get our hands dirty!

Wordscapes Level 3509 [Shine 5, Starlight]

Wordscapes level 3509 is a difficult level that will require players to use their vocabulary and problem-solving abilities.

The goal of this level is to make as many words as you can using the letters I, A, O, L, E, G on the board.

The goal is to form as many words as possible in order to earn all three stars.

It may be a difficult goal, but with the right strategy and a bit of luck, it can be accomplished.

Wordscapes Level 3509 Answers

In Wordscapes level 3509, players can follow this sequence to complete the target words and pass the level:


Additionally, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the objective words:


Words Definition

Earlier, the objective words for level 3509 were discussed, along with the bonus words that can be created from the tray letters.

Continuing on, let’s examine the meanings of each:

  • GOAL: [noun]an area on a playing field, that usually has two posts with a net fixed behind them, where players try to send the ball in order to score in sports such as football and hockey.
  • GOALIE: [noun](in some sports) the player who stands in the team’s goal to try to stop the other team from scoring.
  • AGILE: [adjective]able to move your body quickly and easily.
  • GALE: [noun]a very strong wind.
  • ALOE: [noun]an evergreen plant (= one that never loses its leaves) with thick, pointed leaves.
  • OGLE: [verb]to look at someone with obvious sexual interest.
  • EGO: [noun]your idea or opinion of yourself, especially your feeling of your own importance and ability.
  • LOGE:
  • GAL: [noun]a woman or girl.
  • AGO: [adverb]back in time from the present.
  • GILA:
  • GAE:
  • GOE:
  • AGE: [noun]the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed.
  • LIE: [verb]to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface.
  • LOGIA:
  • LOGIE:
  • GIE:
  • OLE: [adjective]an informal way of saying and writing “old”.
  • LEI: [noun]a circle of flowers that is worn around the neck in Polynesia.
  • OLEA:
  • AIL: [verb]to cause difficulty and problems for someone or something.
  • GOLE:
  • GAOL: [noun]old-fashioned for jail.
  • LIG:
  • GEO: [prefix]of or relating to the earth.
  • GOEL:
  • GLEI:
  • ILEA: plural of ileum specialized.
  • AGIO: [noun]the difference between the prices for buying and selling a particular currency.
  • EGAL:
  • GEAL:
  • ALE: [noun]any of various types of beer, usually one that is dark and bitter.
  • OIL: [noun]petroleum (= the black oil obtained from under the earth’s surface from which petrol comes).
  • GLIA:
  • LAG: [verb]to move or make progress so slowly that you are behind other people or things.
  • GOA:
  • GEL: [noun]a thick, clear, liquid substance, especially one used on the hair or body.
  • LOG: [noun]a thick piece of tree trunk or branch, especially one cut for burning on a fire.
  • LEA: [noun]abbreviation for Local Education Authority: in the UK, the part of a local government that controls schools and colleges in a particular area.
  • LEG: [noun]one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for standing or walking.
  • GIO:

These meanings are sourced from the respected Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes is a fun and challenging game that tests players’ ability to form words using the letters provided.

Players must use their spatial reasoning and vocabulary skills to make words out of a set of letters by sliding them around the game board. The letters can be moved in any direction to spell words.

When a word is completed, it will be erased from the game board and the player will be awarded points according to the length of the word, with longer words worth more points.


To sum up, Wordscapes level 3509 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to beat.

By spending time to find common patterns and letter combinations, and using a dictionary or word list to help you, you can increase your chances of success and move on to the next level of the game.

By putting in the work, maintaining patience, and having a positive outlook, you can master this level.

With the help of this guide, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars by following the advice and strategies offered.

Transcend To The Next Level

Try your hand at level 3510 on your own now that you have a strategy and some useful hints!

Wishing you luck!

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