Are you stuck on level 3252 and can’t seem to find a way to solve it?
Don’t worry–we’ve got the perfect solution for Wordscapes level 3252 in our cheat guide!
With this guide, you can easily complete Wordscapes Level 3252 and earn all three stars.
Let’s quickly preview the answers for Wordscapes level 3252:
To complete Wordscapes level 3252 [Cove 4, Basin], players must use the letters D, E, F, A, C to make the words: DEED, DEAF, FACE, FACED, FADED, CEDED, FEED, DECADE, ACED, CAFE, FADE, DECAF, DEFACED.
Whether you’re a seasoned Wordscapes player or brand new to the game, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to succeed.
In this guide, we will go over everything from the basics of the game to advanced strategies and techniques, giving you the skills to solve Wordscapes level 3252 and move on to even greater challenges.
Let’s take the first step!
Wordscapes Level 3252 [Cove 4, Basin]
Wordscapes level 3252 presents a tough challenge that will test players’ knowledge of words and their ability to solve problems.
The challenge in this level is to use the letters D, E, F, A, C on the board to make as many words as possible.
You only pass the level if you spell all the words correctly.
It’s not going to be easy, but with the right plan and a bit of luck, this goal can be attained.
Wordscapes Level 3252 Answers
In Wordscapes level 3252, players can follow this sequence to complete the objective words and pass the level.
Additionally, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the objective words:
Words Definition
In the previous section, the target words for level 3252 were presented, along with the additional words that can be formed from the tray letters.
Continuing on, let’s examine the meanings of each:
- DEED: [noun]an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one.
- DEAF: [adjective]unable to hear, either completely or partly.
- FACE: [noun]the front of the head, where the eyes, nose, and mouth are.
- FACED: [noun]the front of the head, where the eyes, nose, and mouth are.
- FADED: [adjective]less bright in colour than before.
- CEDED: [verb]to allow someone else to have or own something, especially unwillingly or because you are forced to do so.
- FEED: [verb]to give food to a person, group, or animal.
- DECADE: [noun]a period of ten years, especially a period such as 2010 to 2019.
- ACED: [noun]one of the four playing cards with a single mark or spot. The ace has the highest or lowest value in many card games.
- CAFE: [noun]a restaurant where simple and usually quite cheap meals are served.
- FADE: [verb]to (cause to) lose colour, brightness, or strength gradually.
- DECAF: [adjective]having had some or all of the caffeine (= a chemical substance that makes you feel more awake) removed; short for decaffeinated.
- DEFACED: [verb]to damage and spoil the appearance of something by writing or drawing on it.
- DEAD: [adjective]not now living.
- CEDE: [verb]to allow someone else to have or own something, especially unwillingly or because you are forced to do so.
- CAD: [noun]a man who behaves badly or dishonestly, especially to women.
- DEF: [adjective]very good.
- DAE:
- DEFACE: [verb]to damage and spoil the appearance of something by writing or drawing on it.
- DEE:
- CEE:
- FAE: [noun]abbreviation for field applications engineering: technical support given by a company to customers who use its products.
- FED: [verb]past simple and past participle of feed.
- FAD: [noun]a style, activity, or interest that is very popular for a short period of time.
- ADD: [verb]to put two or more numbers or amounts together to get a total.
- FEE: [noun]an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service.
- ACE: [noun]one of the four playing cards with a single mark or spot. The ace has the highest or lowest value in many card games.
- DAD: [noun]a father.
- CAF:
The definitions of these words are from the authoritative Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
What Is Wordscapes?
In Wordscapes, players must use their knowledge of words and word-forming skills to create as many words as possible from the letters given.
This game tests players’ vocabulary and spatial reasoning abilities by presenting them with a set of letters and challenging them to spell words by sliding the letters around the game board in any direction.
Once a word is formed, it will disappear from the board and the player will earn points based on its length, with longer words being worth more points.
Source: wordscapes facebook
In general, Wordscapes level 3252 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to pass.
By being thorough, utilizing your resources, and looking for common patterns, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars.
With practice, perseverance, and a positive mindset, you can master this level.
By following the tips and strategies in this guide, you will successfully complete this level and earn all 3 stars.
Upgrade To The Next Level
With your new strategy and tips, give level 3253 a try on your own!
I’m rooting for you!
I am a professional game testing engineer who loves crossword and charades puzzles. has recorded my experience playing the game, and you can find the answers, word definitions, and explanations for each level. I hope it is helpful to you and that you share it with people who need it.