Wordscapes Level 2889 Answers [Mist 9, Bloom]

Has anyone else been stuck on level 2889 and can’t figure out how to get past it?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the ultimate cheat for passing Wordscapes level 2889 right here!

This guide offers a wealth of information and advice.

Let’s take a brief look at the answers for Wordscapes level 2889:

To complete Wordscapes level 2889 [Mist 9, Bloom], players must use the letters U, H, L, D, E to make the words: HULL, HELL, DUEL, HELD, DULL, HULLED, DELL.

Wordscapes Level 2889 Answers [Mist 9, Bloom]

Whether you’re an experienced Wordscapes expert or a newcomer to the game, this guide will provide everything you need to succeed.

We will cover all the information you need, from the basics of the game to advanced strategies and techniques, to solve Wordscapes level 2889 and take on even greater challenges.

Let’s plunge in!

Wordscapes Level 2889 [Mist 9, Bloom]

Wordscapes level 2889 presents a tough challenge that will test players’ knowledge of words and their ability to solve problems.

In this level, you must use the letters U, H, L, D, E on the board to construct as many words as possible.

In order to achieve the highest score, players must form more words.

This may seem like a tough objective, but with the right tactics and a little bit of luck, it can be accomplished.

Wordscapes Level 2889 Answers

In Wordscapes level 2889, players can follow this sequence to complete the objective words and pass the level:


Besides that, the following words can also be formed from the provided letters, but are not part of the goal words:


Words Definition

Earlier, the objective words for level 2889 were discussed, along with the bonus words that can be created from the tray letters.

Next, let’s delve into the definitions of each:

  • HULL: [noun]the body or frame of a ship, most of which goes under the water.
  • HELL: [noun]an extremely unpleasant or difficult place, situation, or experience.
  • DUEL: [noun]a formal fight in the past, using guns or swords, arranged between two people as a way of deciding an argument.
  • HELD: [verb]past simple and past participle of hold.
  • DULL: [adjective]not interesting or exciting in any way.
  • HULLED: [noun]the body or frame of a ship, most of which goes under the water.
  • DELL: [noun]a small valley, usually with trees.
  • ELL:
  • LUDE:
  • LED: [verb]past simple and past participle of lead.
  • LEU:
  • EDH:
  • DEL: [noun]abbreviation for delete: a key on a computer keyboard that you press to remove data.
  • ULE:
  • DUE: [adjective]expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time.
  • HUED: [adjective]having several different colours.
  • HUE: [noun](a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of) a colour.
  • LUD:
  • DUH: [exclamation]used to show that you think a person or statement is stupid, or that something is obvious.
  • LEUD:
  • HULE:
  • ELD:
  • DULE:

The definitions of these words are from the authoritative Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes tests players’ vocabulary and ability to form words by challenging them to create as many words as possible from a set of letters.

Players must use their spatial reasoning and vocabulary skills to make words out of a set of letters by sliding them around the game board. The letters can be moved in any direction to spell words.

When a word is completed, it will be removed from the board and the player will earn points according to the word’s length, with longer words worth more points.


In short, completing Wordscapes level 2889 is challenging but not impossible.

You can increase your chances of success by taking your time, looking for patterns, and using dictionaries and word lists to help you complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

By putting in the effort, remaining patient, and keeping a positive attitude, you can master this level.

By implementing the tips and strategies from this guide, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Elevate To The Next Level

Now that you have a detailed plan and some helpful advice, give level 2890 a shot by yourself!

Wishing you luck!

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